In thinking about the 2008 elections, think about the past and let there not be any confusion about the differences between Democrats and Republicans. It’s as plain as the largess of an Elephants ass. In the last Congress The Bush House of Representatives voted to approve $56 billion in tax cuts over five years, just one day after it passed other tax cuts totaling $39 billion over five years. That’s almost 100 billion in tax cuts in two days; ignoring the biggest deficit in US history.
The biggest provision extended President Bush’s 2001 tax cut for stock dividends and capital gains for two years at a cost of $20 billion. All of the House’s maverick Republican conservatives, who had criticized their party leaders earlier for being too soft about spending cuts, voted enthusiastically for the tax cuts, which add up to nearly twice as much as the spending cuts passed last month. The budget plan, which also passed the House jcut about $51 billion over five years from programs like Medicaid, food stamps, farm subsidies and child-support enforcement programs aimed at deadbeat parents.
The biggest expiring tax cut was one that would prevent the alternative minimum tax from applying to millions of additional families with incomes above $100,000 a year. Democrats accused the Republican majority of expanding tax cuts to the nation’s very richest families while cutting programs to help the poor. Representative Sander Levin, Democrat of Michigan said this,
The choice is clear, tax relief that goes to people making a million bucks or more, and cutting student loans, cutting food support for people who need it and cutting child support.This is what a Republican President and Congress would mean again.