Oh yeah, never mind that the Supreme Court ruled in 2006 that American prisoners should be treated according to Geneva Convention standards prohibiting torture. Heck I'm the decider. I'll just issue this executive order, take Scalia out for a drink and then off to get the colon washed out while Dick plans his Iran war.
We do not torture? Anyone believe anything shrubya says anymore? This president is not to be believed about anything, under any circumstances and especially when it comes to denials that we torture.
It’s been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that during the last five years, the US has been torturing on a massive scale. Renditions, secret detention centers, routine torture of detainees, Bush and Cheney have just unilaterally and illegally stopped complying with the Geneva conventions on the treatment of prisoners of war and the United Nations convention against torture. The Bush policy can be summed up quite easily, America must not allow itself to be weakened by respect for human rights.
Torture was common practice at the military base in Bagram, Afghanistan, Abu Graib and Guantanamo as well as at many other secret gulags around the world. According to eyewitness accounts, prisoners were routinely beaten, sexually abused, humiliated, kicked in the groin, slammed into walls, and had water forced into their mouths until they could not breathe. Many died.
Aside from being legally indefensible, abhorent and revolting, our torture of detainees has completely eviscerated what little moral standing we had left in the world.
Until the smirking chimp and Dr. Evil are gone and we regain our sanity and start acting like the moral country that we used to be, we will continue to be targeted and flounder dangerously in an increasingly perilous world.