This from Frank Rich in the New York Times:
Unless Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton find a way to come together for the good of their country as well as their party, no speech by either of them may prevent Mr. McCain from making his second unlikely resurrection in a single political year.
There is no way this election should be this close. The worst president in history, a five-year old unpopular war, $4 gas prices, a devastating recession, thousands losing their homes, the current state of affairs in this country courtesy of the GOP couldn’t be much worse. Yet, McCain, clone of the current lunatic in the White House is poised to compete and maybe to win. It’s almost seems politically impossible, or is it. For months now, the Democrats have been ignoring the warnings of many while they continued their vicious inter-party mud slinging with both Obama and Clinton resorting to such childish name calling that it's tearing the party apart. Both the Obama and Clinton campaigns are equally to blame, both of them, as is the ridiculously inept leadership of Howard Dean who has almost become a caricature of incompetence. But so are the Democratic rank and file themselves, who whatever kool-aid they are drinking seem unwilling or incapable of pragmatically looking at the ramifications of the words they utter and the big picture; the possibility of a John McCain presidency. So instead of worrying about more Scalia/Roberts clones on the Supreme Court and an endless war, they choose to fight over Michigan and Florida, call each other racists and vilify President Bill Clinton who until recently was loved and admired by most Democrats, even going so far as to compare him to Joe McCarthy. There is a very real possibility that the results of this primary pain will be millions of disillusioned Democrats, supporters of the losing candidate who may just stay home come November. John McCain and the GOP hierarchy are doing nothing less than laughing smugly at this pathetic side show as McCain starts to push back to the center and reaches out to the only people that really matter, the small group of moderates and independents who will decide this election. We’ve seen this routine before haven’t we.