Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Election Turnout More Bad News For GOP

Perhaps the real headline Tuesday night, was that once again Democrat's enthusiasm for their two inspirational candidates won out in a landslide over tired old Republican apathy. Even in Dubya's own back yard.

According to CNN election results, the Democrats garnered a record 4.3 million votes last night in Texas, Ohio, Maryland and Vermont, to the Republican's paltry 2.3. This included a 500,000 Democratic edge in the blood red Lone Star State.

The Democrats have consistently set records for turnout this year, voting in substantially more numbers than the Republicans. Gary Jacobson, a political scientist at the University of California made this comment about the primary season,

Turnout and various poll data suggest Democrats are more eager to vote and happier with their choice set than Republicans. I think it reflects an eagerness to get the Bush administration behind them.
It seems as if the winds of change are indeed blowing.

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