They Are Still Killing Baby Seals
I humbly beg you to read this. It's a personal plea from me. Every Spring in Newfoundland and Eastern Canadian provinces the seal hunt will start. Baby harp seals will be dragged screaming from their mothers and clubbed to death and shot in front of them in as cruel and inhumane act as a human being is capable of. Their bodies are then dragged away using wooden poles with hooks. More than 350,000 seals were slaughtered in the 2006 seal hunt. A staggering 98.5% of the seals killed were three months old or younger!, some of them skinned while still conscious and able to feel pain. These animals are mainly used for their pelts, for fashion purposes. This is why they club them repeatedly in the head, so as not to ruin the pelt. Understanding people have presented countless proposals to the Canadian government as to alternative income sources that could be arranged if they would agree to stop this barbaric and cruel hunt. Studies have shown that eco-tourism would bring in many times more the income annually then the hunt does. A model for this is whale watching as whales were hunted for years and replaced as an income source by countless whale watching excursions. There are also funded buy-back programs and a myriad of other financial alternatives that have been presented to no avail. I plead with you to join the boycott of Canadian seafood products!; financial pressure is the only way to stand up for these precious animals that have no choice or voice. Don't buy Canadian snow crab, cod, salmon, scallops, and shrimp until Canada ends its commercial seal hunt for good and please do not ever eat at Red Lobster the biggest importer of Canadian seafood. Just remember; next year around the end of March while you sit comfortably in your home eating dinner, laughing, enjoying your families and friends as you should be....thousands of these precious, lovable, feeling babies will meet a painful, barbaric fate in front of their mothers who gave birth to them a month or so earlier. PLEASE DON'T BUY CANADIAN SEAFOOD PRODUCTS! Ask at your store or restaurants where the seafood comes from and if they don't know or won't answer do not buy it. As Ghandi said, "We must be the change we wish to see".
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