According to Stephen M. Osborne, a freelance writer living on Camano Island in the Pacific Northwest and an 'Atomic Vet.' (Operation Redwing, Bikini Atoll 1956,) . . .
"The latest information I have had from the followers of Bush is that he has demanded and received permission to use nuclear “bunker busters” in Iran in a preemptive strike".
"As a nuclear veteran I can affirm that this is absolute madness. The bunker buster is a cute sounding name for a nuclear horror . . . Using bunker busters in Iran, or anywhere else for that matter, will vaporize hundreds of thousands of tons of earth, water and rock and send this radioactive soup downwind to kill and sicken whole populations. Those immediately downwind will die quickly, in hours or days."
I wonder how the Chinese are going to feel about radioactive clouds drifting overhead . . .
"Those further downwind will take longer. The global incidences of cancers and disease will again rise markedly. The land downwind will remain contaminated and unusable for generations."Nuclear weapons are not good at busting bunkers or destroying chemical and biological weapons stored underground, as advocates claim. And they create severe fallout above ground.
This insanity is real, are we going to let this happen?
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