On Meet The Press when responding to a question about testifying before Congress and claims of executive privilege Rove astoundingly said, . . . “we swear to uphold the constitution” and . . . “the constitution should not be weakened.” Uphold the constitution? Not weaken the constitution? You have got to be kidding me! This White House under the guidance of Rove has done nothing but weaken and eviscerate the constitution. Even the ultra conservative, right-wing Cato Institute has said this on the subject,
“Unfortunately, far from defending the Constitution, President Bush has repeatedly sought to strip out the limits the document places on federal power. In its official legal briefs and public actions, the Bush administration has advanced a view of federal power that is astonishingly broad, a view that includes”
1. “A federal government empowered to regulate core political speech and restrict it greatly when it counts the most, in the days before a federal election.”
2. “A president who cannot be restrained, through validly enacted statutes, from pursuing any tactic he believes to be effective in the war on terror.”
3. “A president who has the inherent constitutional authority to designate American citizens suspected of terrorist activity as enemy combatants, strip them of any constitutional protection, and lock them up without charges for the duration of the war on terror, in other words, perhaps forever.”
4. “A federal government with the power to supervise virtually every aspect of American life, from kindergarten, to marriage, to the grave.”
5. “President Bush's constitutional vision is, in short, sharply at odds with the text, history, and structure of our Constitution, which authorizes a government of limited powers.” Good riddance Karl Rove. You have managed to weaken our country and make us all less safe while helping destroying our reputation as a moral world power that believes in truth and equality.
If there is any justice in this world, you and Osama Bin Laden will be debating what it all means in jail together some day soon.
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