I think I speak for many Democrats and progressives who care deeply about the future of our country when I say that you disgust me. Today in the Wall Street Journal you officially embarked on your next sabre rattling death crusade, this time targeting Syria. Where did you get this blood lust Joe? Tens of thousands of deaths were not enough for you in Iraq, so Iran became your next objective which many think is an inevitable conflict due to the war mongering despotism of people like you. Still not enough blood on your hands huh, so on to Damascus is it? I have some questions for you Joe and they are not all about your fear generating imaginary war on terror. You are after all a reactionary on so many other levels . . .
1. Why do you endorse an administration that is seeking to do away with your constituents constitutional protections?
2. Why do you support this administration apprehending and locking up American citizens with no arrest warrant.
3. Why do you support imprisoning a citizen for an indeterminate amount of time, even for life, with no right to challenge their detention, make a phone call or retain a lawyer?
4. Why did you back Alberto Gonzales for Attorney General? 5. Why did you back John Roberts for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court? 6. Why did you open debate on behalf of the GOP against Democratic bills to get out of Iraq?
7. Why are you in bed and buddies with right-wing reactionary bigots like Sean Hannity? 8. Why are you against affirmative action?
9. Why do you support torture? 10. Why do you support the expression of religious faith in schools? 11. Why do you favor the death penalty, even for minors? 12. Why do most right-wing evangelical Christian leaders call you an important ally?
13. Why do you support school vouchers? 14. Why did you say that war critics’ plans provides a road map for terrorists?
15. Why did you say that people who opposed the Iraq escalation are taking the bait of al Qaeda and terrorist sympathizers?
16. Why do you support illegal wiretapping?
Nice record Joe. We all know you are going to support a Republican candidate in the 2008 Presidential election Joe. So be a man for once in your pathetic life and shed the last fraudulent vestiges of progressive, enlightened thought you may have gathering cobwebs in your attic. Don't wiggle on the fence anymore Joe. You are a right-wing reactionary and we all know it. I personally would prefer that you just become a Republican officially, I'm not willing to sell my soul to the devil for a vote which you don't cast for us anyway. Please go. We'll be fine without you. We don't respect you and we don't want you with us. See ‘ya.
*Thanks to The Huffington Post for alerting me to the WSJ editorial!
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