Sometimes you have to be toughest on the ones you care for the most. Doesn't mean you love them any less; just that you want them to be the best that they can be.
I saw this absurd statement in an Associated Press article, regarding what an appropriate Democrat response would be to General Petraeus's congressional testimony.Absent a new political climate, Democrats are in a tough position. Continue to insist on a hard-line position and fail, letting weeks go by without passing anti-war legislation, or soften their stance.Nonsense, the Democrats aren't in a tough position at all and the more they continue to act like they are and seem confused as to what they should do, the angrier the American people and especially Democrats are going to get. Yes, we all know that you only have 49 seats and Bernie but so what. Do your best to lobby and cajole those on the other side of the aisle, give your best impassioned plea on the floor of the Senate. But when push comes to shove, stand up for what you believe in. Vote and lose. That’s what we want you to do, we're screaming now can you hear us?
We all know why Congressional approval ratings are so low. It's because Democrats are sick and tired of this senseless war and they want Congressional Democrats at the very least to stand together in unity and say no more.
Would you tell your kids in little league to back down against those bigger kids? No. You would tell them to go play the game and give it their best so everyone watching can see what they're made of. You would tell them it's not whether they win or lose, it's how they play the game.
We’re tired of your safe political decisions. We don’t want you to soften your stance. We don’t want legislation that reactionary traitor Joe Lieberman can agree to. Don’t you get it? We elected you for your principles, integrity, promises to do the right thing and to vote to get us out of Iraq. Not to vote that way only when you have enough votes! Get it now? We're smart, we know the math, we know you don’t have 60 votes to overturn the veto of the war criminal in the White House, but we don’t care. We don’t want calculated, pragmatic, political positioning that will result in some namby-pamby, watered down, safe bill with no benchmarks and no withdrawal date. Vote your conscience and if you lose so be it. That’s what we want.
Democrats are trying their best to forget they own all the chairmanships in Congress. That power, alone, is enough to thwart Bush anytime they please. They simply can tie up any legislation he wants in committee until he toes the line.
But they're not serious about opposing Bush on the Iraq Defeat.
Without a veto-proof majority; do Democrats really control Congress?
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