Well, maybe when the Reagan folks start clamoring for Bush's impeachment, even the fly-over states may take note. Bruce Fein a constitutional lawyer and Reagan's Deputy Attorney General said the following in an esssay published in Slate,
"President Bush's apparently criminal authorization of a warrantless wiretapping program is grounds for the House to begin an impeachment inquiry".
He went on to add that if Congress doesn't go ahead with impeachment, then it will become a,
"virtual dead letter".
Finally! Someone thinking about the long term effects of executive branch criminality on the future of our political process. It's critical to our democracy to establish clearly that no branch of government is above the law, that checks and balances do mean something and most importantly to make sure a precedent isn't established that the President of The United States can ignore the constitution and rule like a king in America.
Can't wait to see how Hannity et al tries to swift-boat this Reagan conservative. I'm seein' a Coulter/Malkin snake attack on Fox Noise any day now.
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