The respected and impartial Associated Press writer Steven R. Hurst reported the real truth about Iraqi violence on August 25th, 2007. He said,
"The death toll from sectarian attacks around the country is running nearly double the pace from a year ago. The figures are considered a minimum, the actual numbers are likely higher, as many killings go unreported or uncounted."
He continued,
"Iraq is suffering about double the number of war-related deaths throughout the country compared with last year, an average daily toll of 33 in 2006, and 62 so far this year."
"Nearly 1,000 more people have been killed in violence across Iraq in the first eight months of this year than in all of 2006. So far this year, about 14,800 people have died in war-related attacks and sectarian murders."
"Baghdad has gone from representing 76 percent of all civilian and police war-related deaths in Iraq in January to 52 percent in July, bringing it back to the same spot it was roughly a year ago."
No, the right-wing would rather believe General Betrayous and Ryan Crock Of *hit, two biased, administration sycophants whose future as wealthy lobbyists for the war munitions industry depended on the lies they told Congress and the American people Monday.
It's a time-honored tradition after all in the Bush/Cheney administration. They lie and people die.
Keep the truth coming John. America could use a larger dose of reality. Thanks for the facts.
Thanks, John for the dose of reality. It's tragic that the extreme right-wing is incapable of doing the right-thing. And this bush-whacking band is so audacious - they not only lie - but their manipulative lies are like a virus, they spread as evidenced by the General's perfectly coiffed statements - and result in destruction on so many levels that one's head spins from the spin. It's long overdue that the deadly duo are held accountable for taking the US into a brutal war based on false pretense resulting in so many unecessary deaths and fanning the fuels of hatred against the US. I don't understad how war profiteering can be mistaken for "national security". The US is now more insecure than ever.
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