The world and US citizens were told, "you are with us or you are against us" and a slim, dubious at best electoral win turned into an indefensible toe-the-line and do what we say thinly veiled threat, colored by blanket indictments of non-patriotism for even mouthing a contrarian opinion. The power of the people to redress their grievances along with most everything else ever espoused by monsieur’s Jefferson, Hamilton and Franklin was forgotten with the pathetic complicity of the press (God forbid we don't get a good seat at the press briefing) and even more amazingly, the Democratic party. Herr Limbaugh, and Hannity et al mouthed the talking points of Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz egged on to a cacophonous hysteria by the likes of Ann Coulter and Micheal Regan.
All the time Bush dangled feebly at the end of his puppet strings with his voice never quite matching his mouth.
Ever the optimist I think that just perhaps the defense has held and the sleeping giant that is an American public that still believes in true patriotism and justice; has awakened. Katrina, Iraq, and the rest may have finally pushed the people too far and just maybe the press are pissed off as well at their manipulation, un-wanted subpoenas and the lies they spread. One can only hope the people are back in the game and will sustain the drive to retake our democratic republic with fervor supported by moral certitude and the backbone that has been missing for six years. It's not too late; almost, but we can recover.There is a difference . . . stand up and make your voice heard and do it now. You're an American, it's your birthright, it's your obligation and it's time to speak out!
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