What Do We Deserve?
Never before has there been such a serious dearth of leadership in this country. On the domestic front, inflation might be rearing it's ugly head once again; has anyone even noticed the Fed's steady rate increases which are predicted to continue for the foreseeable future? Gasoline is hovering around $3 per gallon and the bottom has started to fall out of the housing market which many credit for artificially propping up our economy. The middle class is under a steady attack and the gap between the wealthy and the poor is wider than ever before. Nothing has been done to address the serious issues that face us such as health care, tax reform, and immigration policy in this country and Bush's faux brand of compassionate conservatism has only served to exacerbate another widening gap in this country, the one between secularists and the religious right. Seeking no common ground, the Bush administration has instead driven wedge issues such as gay marriage and abortion rights deep between them and is stacking the court with right-wing ideologies to insure these divisive issues continue to plague America for decades to come. With his poll numbers hovering around 30% and the White House under siege due to the ongoing Iraq debacle; Bush's administration has never been so ineffectual but beware the wounded beast and the power of presidential decrees.
On the world stage, Bush's foreign policy has been an unmitigated disaster with previously supportive governments practically shunning the US president as of late. It is as if they were saying to him; you are irrelevant and we are waiting for you to leave the world stage. Iraq continues to be a huge problem, costly in both human life and US prestige and world tensions have never been so obvious and troubling. Our attacking of a sovereign country on false premises served only to embolden terrorists and their recruiting.
It will be interesting to say the least and revelatory to see what statements if any the American people make in 2008. Try as they may to run, Republicans wear the cloak of the Bush administration and hopefully the American people are mad as hell and aren't going to take it anymore. If not, if apathy and hopelesness prevail, well, we will get what we deserve . . . again.
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