There are way too many smug and over-confident Democrats braying about cabinet selections already. They had better stop it and get real.
Sure it’s exciting spending time talking about impeaching Bush and Cheney and getting all that frustration out. It's cathartic, it’s good for 'ya. It should be happening. But, the reality is they will be gone in sixteen months one way or another and if the world is still here, we better as Democrats look long and hard at some pragmatic political realities dealing with the future of our country rather than the past . . . and we had better do it soon, before it’s too late.
Despite all the political capital accumulated by Democrats during the Bush/Cheney reign of terror . . . why do I feel so nervous? Maybe it's because I know the Democrats can blow this one too. It is reminiscent of a poker player getting dealt two aces in a game of five card draw and asking for four cards.
Oh that's rich, all we need is another couple of voters like him and faster than you can say Ralph Nader, we will all be sitting around scratching our collective heads and wondering how the hell that reactionary Giuliani got to be president. I am all for voting one’s conscience, etc., but we had better start thinking seriously about who can win this thing so please, let's get that third party crap out of her heads once and for all. Another time and place, but not now.
More food for thought . . . Hillary Clinton has clearly dominated the Democratic party primary machine and seems to be on a fast-track to the nomination, much to the delight I should say of the GOP who love her negatives in the forties. There are far too many, “I would never vote for Hillary no matter what” independents I’m afraid. So is that really the right path for Democrats to take? After eight years of hell are we dooming ourselves to perhaps go through it again? You think poor John Kerry got swift-boated and vilified, you aint’ seen nothing yet. A Hillary candidacy would unleash the right-wing political attack beast like nothing the political world has ever seen, conjuring up old dirt and imagery that isn't exactly going to be inspiring to many voters.
As Elizabeth Edwards has said,
"I want to be perfectly clear. I do not think the hatred against Hillary Clinton is justified. I don't know where it comes from. I don't begin to understand it. But you can't pretend it doesn't exist, and it will energize the Republican base."
I’m all for fighting the good fight; I’m just wondering when it’s all said and done whether we will sit back and think, crap, John Edwards really could have won this thing.